SpaceX delays again
June 23, 2014
By Chris Forrester
SpaceX twice abandoned its planned launch of six Orbcomm satellites. The first came late on June 20th citing weather problems. The six satellites were originally planned to launch on May 10th. An urgently re-scheduled launch on Sunday evening was also scrubbed without reason, although local reports say both the rocket and payload are in good condition.
This was the third SpaceX cancellation in the week, and the worry now is that the Cape Canaveral launch site is scheduled for routine closure this week which might mean the important Orbcomm satellites will be further delayed.
Currently, there’s talk of a launch June 24th. SpaceX is using its Falcon-9 rocket for the mission.
The delays, while not at all unusual in themselves, are causing worries down the line for SpaceX’s other customers, not least AsiaSat-9, and Amos-7.