Netflix attracts 100,000 subs in France
October 1, 2014
From Pascale Paoli-Lebailly in Paris
Netflix has already attracted 100,000 subscribers in France in the 15 days after its launch, according to daily Le Figaro.
But the majority of subscribers are still presumably benefiting from the first month being free of charge, and more accurate figures for paying subscribers will start as of mid-October.
Even so, Le Figaro draws the comparison with the high speed Netflix is garnering viewers with Canal+ SVoD service Canalplay, which three years after it launched has 520,000 subs. This represents 15,000 new customers every month on average.
Netflix’s objective is to reach one third of French households within five to ten years.
For now, the service is only available online and on connected devices. In November, it will start on IPTV platform Bouygues Telecom.