Ericsson: “Video 70% of mobile traffic by 2021”
December 9, 2015
By Chris Forrester
Ericsson’s Simon Frost (head of Media Marketing & Communications), speaking at a press event in London, said his company’s role was to make its customers “more agile” and enable them to compete with new entrants and fast-emerging and the rapid changes in broadcast technology.
“Our customers have huge challenges ahead of them, and from a vendor’s perspective a lot of transformation needs to happen. Our customers are consolidating and we are seeing further consolidation in the industry space, and we have busy ourselves in enabling this new edge for our clients. We are also going to see more industry consolidation.”
“Our predictions for 2016 are clear,” he said. “There will be more OTT deployments next year, from new entrants, and existing players adding new OTT models. There will be more Ultra-HD, and more ‘better pixels’ in the form of high dynamic range. We also expect to see some dramatic shifts in how services are delivered, and this means more IP-based models, more cloud-based models and much more innovation. Indeed, we see more experimentation taking place, and a growth in video streaming. Our view at Ericsson is that some 70 per cent of all mobile network traffic will be video by 2021. The phenomenal shift towards on-demand, and online video is simply huge.”
Frost said that Ericsson was significantly investing in these new technologies in order to handle these “disruptive” ch