Portuguese pay-TV penetration rate reaches 93%
March 12, 2021
From Branislav Pekic in Rome
The pay-TV penetration rate in Portugal reached 93.2 per cent at the end of 2020, accounting for a 5.4 per cent growth on the previous year.
According to figures published by the National Communications Authority (Anacom), 4.2 million Portuguese subscribed to pay-TV services, or 183,000 (+4 per cent) more than in 2019.
FTTH now accounts for over half of the pay-TV accesses, 2.2 million or 51.6 per cent of the total. This technology also registered the highest growth in 2020 (+14.4 per cent)
Cable TV (31.1 per cent), DTH (10.6 per cent) and ADSL (6.8 per cent) accounted for the remaining pay-TV accesses.
Portugal Telecom’s Meo ended the year as the market leader with 40 per cent of pay-TV subscribers, ahead of NOS Group (39 per cent), Vodafone (17.3 per cent) and Nowo (3.5 per cent).
In the past year, Vodafone (+1.1 per cent) and Meo (0.4 per cent) saw the highest subscriber growth, while both NOS Group (-1.1 per cent) and Nowo (-0.4 per cent) saw a drop in subscribers.