Advanced Television

Huawei foresees 5Gigaverse Society

October 15, 2021

By Colin Mann

During the 12th Global Mobile Broadband Forum (MBBF) 2021, Yang Chaobin, President of Huawei Wireless Solution, delivered a keynote speech in which he addressed ‘Innovation for 5Gigaverse Society’.

“5G is developing rapidly worldwide, with more than 170 networks built and nearly 500 million users developed within two years,” he noted. “As 5G commercial deployment enters a new phase, users need more continuous experience, and industry digitalisation poses new requirements on 5G capabilities. Therefore, we believe that the next step is to evolve 5G from hotspot to all-scenario continuous coverage, from Gbps to 5Gigaverse, and from pilot industry to all-industry digitalisation, to build a ubiquitous gigabit network and a 5Gigaverse society,” he stated.

According to Huawei, changes in user behaviour and industry digitisation pose higher requirements on 5G. According to the viewing statistics during the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games, the number of views through mobile devices increased by five times compared with 2012, while the amount of TV watching dropped by 50 per cent. In terms of FWA, the number of users exceeds that of wired users.

In addition, the 5G DOU (data of usage) has increased by three times compared with that of 4G as video services grow. Therefore, it is expected that by 2030, mobile networks will carry more traffic than wired networks and become the main bearer of internet traffic. In ‘toB’ exploration, progress has been made in industry digitalisation. 5G has enabled more than 10,000 scenarios in more than 20 industries worldwide. In the future, 5G capabilities will continue to evolve to incorporate fragmented connections in various industries, creating an IoT space with hundreds of billions of connections.

“So, a macro-pole-indoor 3D networking mode needs to be adopted to maximise the value of macro sites by deploying pole sites and indoor products on demand,” he suggested. “In this way, we’ll be able to build 5G networks with continuous coverage to enable toB and toC and embrace a 5Gigaverse society.”

According to Huawei, Massive MIMO and ultra-wideband maximise macro coverage and capacity. Macro sites account for up to 45 per cent of operators’ investment in network construction, with how to maximise macro capacity and coverage becoming a top concern. Two years of commercial 5G deployment has proved that the Massive MIMO and ultra-wideband technologies can improve user experience by 10 times and have become the choice of most operators around the world.

“Different spectrum requires different strategies customised based on their characteristics,” he advised. “The TDD spectrum featuring high bandwidth and large capacity has weaker coverage compared with low frequency bands and requires coverage improvement, while FDD featuring wide coverage and fragmented spectrum requires capacity improvement. Therefore, we launched a full range of 5G base station products this year to help operators meet these requirements.”

“Innovation will never stop. The next decade will be a decade of 5G. 5G will continue to evolve and innovate toward 5.5G. We hope to work with global partners to continuously innovate based on user experience and industry requirements to take user experience to new heights while digitally transforming industries,” he concluded.


Categories: 5G, Articles, Broadband, Equipment, Mobile

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