Report: Full fibre to 91% of the UK by 2026
October 17, 2023
By Colin Mann
If all network deployments are realised as planned, the number of UK properties with full-fibre broadband will increase from 15.4 million in May 2023 to 27 million in May 2026, according to regulator Ofcom’s latest Connected Nations report.
Promoting the rollout of high-speed networks is a top priority for Ofcom, who says its regulation promotes competition and encourages investment in full-fibre broadband from a range of companies across the UK
In September 2023, Ofcom revealed that over half (52 per cent) of UK homes had access to full-fibre services as of May 2023, up from 3 per cent since it proposed its rules to boost full fibre rollout in 2017. This has been driven mainly by the larger fibre operators but also supported by a number of smaller providers across the UK serving individual communities and regions.
Ofcom has collected and collated data from UK broadband firms about their full fibre rollout plans for the next three years. Based on this data, three quarters (76 per cent) of UK properties could have gigabit-capable services available to them from two or more providers by May 2026, more than double the amount by May 2023 (30 per cent).
Although much of this planned build is focused in urban or suburban areas, rural areas could also see substantial network upgrades. If all planned deployments are realised, 98 per cent of urban properties would be gigabit-capable by May 2026, up from 81 per cent in 2023; and 75 per cent of rural properties would be covered, up from 42 per cent in May 2023.