Advanced Television

Study: Deutsche Telekom most valuable German brand

January 17, 2024

As confirmed by the Brand Finance Global 500 study, Deutsche Telekom is one of the most valuable brands worldwide. The experts listed the Group as the only European company in the top 10 in the overall ranking. As a result, Deutsche Telekom has moved up two positions compared to the previous year and now sits in ninth place. Deutsche Telekom also becomes the most valuable telecommunications brand in the world for the first time, beating Verizon and AT&T to top spot.

In terms of Europe, the T remains the top ranked corporate brand. The most valuable brand worldwide is Apple, beating out Microsoft, Google and Amazon. The British market research institute Brand Finance published the international study as part of the World Economic Forum in Davos.

Deutsche Telekom’s successful performance is based on its current brand value, the highest in the company’s history. According to the study, this came in at $73.3 billion. Growth compared to the previous year ($62.9 billion) amounted to 17 per cent. Brand value has increased by 84 pe rcent since 2020. During this time, Deutsche Telekom has moved from fourth place to become the strongest telecommunications brand worldwide. “We have managed to become one of the world top 10 strongest brands. This is an amazing success for our company,” explains Deutsche Telekom’s Chief Brand Officer, Ulrich Klenke. Our global umbrella brand strategy is working really well and our investments in a strong brand are paying off. This goes hand in hand with our economic and technological successes in Germany, Europe, and the United States and plays a part in establishing Deutsche Telekom as a Leading Digital Telco.”Customer satisfaction giving the brand even more momentum
The British consultancy Brand Finance puts this significant increase in Deutsche Telekom’s brand value down to aspects such as positive economic and technological development. The Group continues to score with sustainable investments in network quality, digital technologies, and customer service. According to Brand Finance, Deutsche Telekom’s network quality plays a decisive role when it comes to winning and retaining customers – both in Europe and in the US. According to the experts, significant improvements in key brand indicators such as innovation, customer service, customer friendliness, value for money, and recommendation play a key role in increasing the brand’s strength. The brand’s rating has increased from 79 to 83 out of 100 points, meaning that the brand has improved from a AA+ to an AAA- rating.

Categories: Articles, Markets, Research, Telco

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