Advanced Television

France: 62% use DTT to watch TV

January 31, 2024

From Pascale Paoli-Lebailly in Paris

Nearly two-thirds (62 per cent) of French viewers still use DTT to watch television – 58 per cent on the main TV set, and 4 per cent on a secondary device. According to a study conducted by Ifop for French radio and television transmission services provider, TDF, 35 per cent of viewers use DTT alongside FTTH and IPTV.

While DTT remains the only way to watch television for 23 per cent of viewers without any box, TDF suggests that DTT is largely underestimated and still concerns the majority French viewers in reality.

“57 per cent of French people judge it is important to receive DTT. It remains a key vector to ensure free access to television and even an essential one despite the development of FTTH,” said TDF.

The technology is praised for continuously adapting to the new usages and embracing the innovations. The launch of 4K channel France 2 UHD, the first FTA 4K channel in France, on January 23rd also represents a key step for the modernisation of DTT in the country.

The first viewers impacted are the 16 million people 4K-equipped and living in the Paris area, and in the regions of Bordeaux, Nantes, Angers and Saint-Nazaire cities as well as in overseas territories Guadeloupe, Martinique, Guyane, La Réunion and Mayotte.

Categories: Articles, Broadcast, Consumer Behaviour, DTT/DSO, FTTH, Research

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