The report, Failing to plan, planning will failbuilds on the once in a generation opportunity highlighted by leading politicians, and presents a detailed six-point framework to overcome the underfunded and under resourced planning system. It specifically highlights the need to bust the backlog of delays and move forward with applications for critical mobile infrastructure which needs to be installed up and down the country.

The six policy recommendations are designed to tackle these challenges and accelerate the rollout of mobile infrastructure:

  • Urgently Increase funding for planning services.
  • ‍Recognise the importance of mobile infrastructure in the planning system. ‍
  • Hire Digital Champions to support the planning process. ‍
  • Do more to attract and retain talent. ‍
  • Improve planning policy frameworks.
  • Foster proactive digital leadership from councils.

Large-scale investment is required if such connectivity networks are going to meet the demands of not only a growing population that is increasingly reliant on smart and mobile-connected devices but also businesses and industries trying to keep pace with the digital revolution.

Hamish MacLeod, Chief Executive of Mobile UK, said: “There is widespread acknowledgement that the planning system is dysfunctional, and we are calling on all parties to acknowledge this and commit to our six-point planning framework. We see this dysfunction on a daily basis. Planning departments operate on tight budgets and face severe labour and skills shortages, which has led to inconsistency and delays in decision-making.”

Belinda Fawcett, Chair of the Mobile Infrastructure Forum, added: “A sluggish planning system is a roadblock to growth. We urge the next Government to adopt our six-point framework to empower local authorities and expedite infrastructure development. This will unlock economic potential, create jobs, and ensure everyone benefits from a connected future. In short, mobile infrastructure providers and the mobile networks they power in the UK are suffering from an out-of-date planning system that lacks knowledge of mobile infrastructure issues.”

There are several specific pain points:

  • Replacing existing infrastructure is challenging, potentially leading to reduced connectivity in some communities.
  • Replacing existing infrastructure is challenging, potentially leading to reduced connectivity in some communities.
  • Planning decisions for mobile infrastructure in remote areas can take up to two years, and appeals against negative decisions are often slow despite being mostly successful.
  • A lack of awareness and understanding about the benefits of mobile connectivity for the economy and society, regularly resulting in objections.