Advanced Television


Video 60% of mobile traffic in 2011

Bytemobile data shows that video became the dominant form of mobile data traffic in 2010 – accounting for more than 40 per cent of the total volume in wireless networks worldwide. With the rise of full-length and studio-quality videos and live streaming of multimedia content on mobile devices – as well as the emergence of […]

January 20, 2011

Cheaper broadband for rural areas

Rural parts of the UK could be set for cheaper broadband under plans set out by Ofcom. The communications regulator has proposed reductions in the prices BT can charge ISPs in parts of the country where BT is the sole provider of wholesale broadband services. Ofcom wants BT to reduce its wholesale charges by between […]

January 20, 2011

Canal+, Orange movie channel JV

Formerly fierce competitors for premium pay-TV subscribers, Bertrand Meheut, Chairman of the Canal+ Group, and Stéphane Richard, Chief Executive Officer of Orange, have announced a strategic partnership plan to bring the Orange cinema series package and TPS Star together under one joint venture. The business will be owned 50-50 by the two partners and managed […]

January 20, 2011

TopTV hits key 200,000 subs

  Former US  Vice President Al Gore helped celebrate TopTV’s 200,000 subs achievement, a key metric for the new South African pay-TV broadcaster.  TopTV is owned by On Digital Media. TopTV launched on May 1 2010 offering more than 60 channels, including BET, Discovery Travel & Living, Fuel TV, Natura, MGM as well as the […]

January 20, 2011By Chris Forrester

Arqiva wants SeeSaw backer

Arqiva wants an investment partner for its online TV aggregator SeeSaw. The service, built on the legacy Project Kangaroo platform bought from the BBC, provides content from BBC, C4, Five and independents. Arqiva wants a partner to accelerate development of the service that has made little impact in the face of BBC iPlayer and ITV […]

January 19, 2011

Local TV for UK

UK Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt has invited companies to run local TV stations. At the Oxford Media Convention, he said the initial schemes will be focused on “ten to twelve” major cities and will challenge bidders to register their interest by March 1st. He said: “To make this vision a reality I am today inviting […]

January 19, 2011

Unified regulator for Spain?

The Spanish Government is planning to set up a single regulatory body that would oversee the TV and telecoms markets under the umbrella of the current Telecommunications Market Commission (CMT). Initially, the Administration announced the creation, later in 2011, of an Audiovisual Council (CEMA) to oversee the TV market, separately from the CMT, with an […]

January 19, 2011From David Del Valle in Madrid

UPDATE: NBC/Comcast cleared

As expected , American regulators cleared Comcast’s $13.8 billion takeover of NBC Universal. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) voted 4-1 to approve Comcast’s purchase of 51 per cent of NBC. The takeover has fought off opposition from compeititors and concerns on plurality but not without accepting conditions including making NBC’s output available to rival cable […]

January 19, 2011

BBC’s Huggers quits for Intel

The BBC’s Director of Future Media & Technology, Erik Huggers, is to leave the corporation at the end of February to become Corporate Vice President and General Manager of Intel’s Digital Home Group, based at its Silicon Valley headquarters in California. He replaces interim General Manager Brad Daniels. BBC Director General Mark Thompson said that […]

January 19, 2011by Colin Mann

SkyLife, Kudelski in advanced advertising JV

Korean satellite and hybrid services operator SkyLife and digital security and convergent media solutions specialist the Kudelski Group have agreed to form a joint venture to develop Advanced Advertising solutions, enabling operators to offer and monetise addressable and interactive advertising. The pair say that this will enable TV advertising to become more relevant and interesting, […]

January 19, 2011