Advanced Television


Comcast names limit

Comcast says that to exceed that 250 GB threshold, a customer would have to dowload 125 standard-definition movies.The announcement comes three weeks before Comcast must report to the FCC on how it has managed Internet traffic and how it will better inform customers of that network management, the result of an FCC finding Comcast had […]

August 31, 2008

US cable offers election channel

Elections '08 On Demand, lets people watch videos whenever they want, much the way they can on YouTube or the Web sites of television networks. Depending on where they live, people can tune into the channel to see an infomercial for Barack Obama, coverage of the Democratic National Convention, or historical clips like Lyndon B. […]

August 31, 2008

Unity digital progress

H1 cable revenues increased 13 per cent year-on-year to E409.3 million while adjusted cable EBITDA was up 17 per cent in the first half to E193.4 million.

August 22, 2008

NCC deal with DirecTV

Under the agreement NCC will integrate select RSN feeds currently offered to DirecTV subscribers into cable-advertising interconnects in nine major US markets: Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Denver, Detroit, Houston, Los Angeles and San Francisco. NCC will also assume national-spot-sales representation of DirecTV's RSNs in these markets. Cable operators, NCC and DirecTV have been working together […]

August 20, 2008

Jupiter nears 3m subs

Combined revenue generating units (RGUs) for cable television, high-speed Internet access and telephony services reached 5.15 million, up 427,300 or nine per cent since July 31, 2007. The bundle ratio (average number of services received per subscribing household) increased to 1.79 as of July 31, 2008 from 1.75 since July 31, 2007. The cable television […]

August 18, 2008

US cable: three-quarters of additional broadband subs

Leichtman also reports that the top cable companies added over 670,000 subscribers, representing 76 per cent of the net broadband additions for the quarter versus the top telephone companies; overall, broadband additions in 2Q 2008 amounted to 51 per cent of those in 2Q 2007 – with cable having 85 per cent as many additions […]

August 14, 2008

Virgin Media beats profit expectations

Virgin Media, which has Britain's highest broadband speeds and reaches more homes than its rivals, said it lost 19,500 net customers in the normally weak second quarter, taking the total of residential customers on its cable network to 4.74 million. Underlying operating profit rose 6 per cent to £333 million thanks to incremental cost cuts […]

August 8, 2008

Cablevision wins playback ruling

The ruling by the US Court of Appeals is a setback for News Corp., Time Warner, Walt Disney, CBS, and NBC, which sued to prevent the system’s debut. They claimed the service, Remote Storage Digital Video Recorder, threatened their copyrights. The network DVR system allows cable customers who don’t have digital video recorders, such as […]

August 8, 2008

DOCSIS 3.0 to drive revenue for CMTS

“Marketing and perception are significant drivers for sales of access infrastructure equipment, especially for cable operators,” said Tam Dell’Oro, Founder of Dell’Oro Group. “While telecom operators are upgrading access networks with VDSL and PON to enable new services such as TV over broadband, Cable operators are upgrading for much different reasons. Cable’s TV service is […]

August 6, 2008