Advanced Television


IPTV Corporation with Arqiva

IPTV Corporation has choosen Arqiva for DTH distribution giving IPTV Transatlantic fibre connectivity, uplinking to the UK, and access to the British Sky Broadcasting digital platform allowing the Company to operate as if it were a UK broadcaster. Arqiva is positioned as the major gateway to Europe for American broadcasters and allows IPTV to distribute […]

December 17, 2007

iPlayer for Mac

The BBC has launched a new version of iPlayer which can be used on Macs for the first time. Eric Huggers, the BBC group controller of future media and technology, also revealed it is adding social media tools and better integration of features on the new look website, which will relaunch by the end […]

December 14, 2007

Turner uses Mistral

Turner Broadcasting has signed to use Chello Interactive's Mistral solution for enhanced TV (eTV) services in Europe. Turner Broadcasting will use the solution to design, publish and manage eTV services for its kids' channels Cartoon Network, Cartoon Network Too and Boomerang on BSkyB in the UK, and Cartoon Network and Boomerang on UPC in Holland. […]

December 13, 2007

Irdeto China deal for 2m smart cards

Irdeto has signed an agreement for two million smart cards from China’s Jilin Provincial Network. The agreement, which will support the cable TV operator’s digital migration project, is the largest for Irdeto to date.

December 13, 2007

Tiscali launches IPTV service in Italy

From Branislav Pekic in Rome Tiscali has launched its IPTV service in Rome, Milan and Cagliari, which will be progressively extended to another five cities (Turin, Florence, Naples, Catania and Bologna) by March 2008. According to Tiscali Italia CEO, Mario Mariani, the goal is to attain an 11 per cent penetration rate among total ADSL […]

December 13, 2007

YouTube expands ad programme

YouTube is to expand its pilot advertising programme to a select number of amateurs, giving more users a shot to make money from their homemade videos. The site will accept applications from amateurs to become part of its programme that splices ads into online videos. The video makers will share in the resulting revenue. Until […]

December 13, 2007

Narrowstep and TSS Cross Media partnership

Narrowstep and TSS Cross Media Group of Benelux have announced a strategic partnership to offer advanced Internet TV solutions for telecoms, broadcasters and advertisers to effectively monetise video content over the Internet. Narrowstep provides solution for managing, distributing and commercialising video on the Internet securely in TV-like quality. Narrowstep's platform supports over 180 channels, with […]

December 12, 2007

LG Dacom to join free IPTV market

LG Dacom has unveiled 'myLGtv', its free IPTV service to join the competition in the Triple Play Service market. LG Dacom will launch 'myLGtv' to offer the TPS service which provides three services including high-speed Internet (Xpeed) and Internet telephone (myLG707) in one line. LG Dacom said they will offer 10 per cent and 20 […]

December 12, 2007

CNN on YouTube

The CNN branded channel on YouTube, which features newly extracted content from the channel, is now available to users across Europe, the Middle East and Africa. This move complements a suite of new products and services that CNN and other Turner brands have been rolling out across mobile, web and IPTV platforms this year.

December 11, 2007

MySpace Earwig TV

Social netwoking site MySpace is set to launch a music video channel branded Earwig TV. The channel will offer videos and tracks from new and emerging bands to help them find larger audiences and attract attention from record companies. Earwig TV will combine live gig footage with interviews and profiles of the bands.

December 11, 2007