Advanced Television


ETNO Board announces Fuhr’s departure

The Executive Board of ETNO, Europe’s telecom association, has announced that Lise Fuhr will leave her role as Director General during autumn 2024 as she has decided to accept a new role as CEO of GÉANT, based in Amsterdam. In her nine years’ tenure as Director General, Fuhr successfully shepherded the telecoms community through two […]

September 3, 2024

ETNO calls for strengthened connectivity policies

According to ETNO, the voice of Europe’s telecommunications network operators, currently, 76 per cent of European citizens see advanced connectivity as essential in improving their lives and socio-economic prospects, with almost 30 per cent asking to strengthen the availability of high-speed Internet for everyone, everywhere. Accordingly ETNO is urging the new, European leadership to take […]

June 26, 2024By Colin Mann

Telco trade bodies call for GIA changes

Trade bodies representing the European telecommunications industry have welcomed the European Commission’s proposal on the Gigabit Infrastructure Act (GIA) that aims at addressing the red tape and the challenge of slow, complex and costly deployment of Very High Capacity Networks (VHCN) across the European Union. However, while they welcome many of the changes to the […]

September 29, 2023By Colin Mann

Euro telcos call for Big Tech fair contribution

The GSMA and ETNO, industry associations representing fixed and mobile network operators, have called for European policymakers to take bold action to secure EU connectivity leadership over the next decade. In a joint response to the European Commission consultation on ‘The future of the electronic communications sector and its infrastructure’ the associations state that Europe […]

May 19, 2023By Colin Mann

Europe’s telcos call for big tech network cost contribution

Currently, tech giants do not contribute a fair share to the deployment of telecom networks, while generating network-related costs of tens of billion euros, notes telecoms trade body ETNO, who suggests this weakens Europe’s capacity to swiftly achieve connectivity targets. According to a report, Europe’s internet ecosystem: socio-economic benefits of a fairer balance between tech […]

May 3, 2022By Colin Mann

Euro telcos seek ‘big tech’ network funding

The CEOs of 13 major European telcos have issued a joint Statement calling on EU policymakers to align closely Europe’s digital ambitions with a supportive policy and regulatory ecosystem, suggesting that ‘big tech’ platforms also contribute fairly to network costs. The Statement (below) was issued by ETNO, European Telecommunications Network Operators’ Association, which represents Europe’s […]

November 29, 2021By Colin Mann

BEREC calls for fast fibre networks roll-out

Increasing the speed of roll-out of fibre broadband across member states is a vital component to drive a greener, more competitive economy as Europe gears up for a post pandemic recovery, according to Michel Van Bellinghen, Chairman 2021 of BEREC (Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications). Delivering a keynote speech during the online ‘A […]

May 12, 2021By Colin Mann

Europe’s telcos call for connectivity investment

Europe can create 2.4 million new jobs within the next four years through digital transformation, while boosting economic growth and accelerating green transformation, according to the findings of a report, Connectivity and Beyond: How Telcos Can Accelerate a Digital Future For All, from European telecoms association ETNO and prepared by global management consulting firm BCG. […]

March 26, 2021By Colin Mann

Report: Europe lags on key digital metrics

At a time in which the EU is striving for digital sovereignty, fresh data shows that Europe is trailing global peers on key network roll-out and digital investment metrics, including on 5G, AI and network investment. Despite this, Europe shows progress with respect to last year, with more people covered

February 1, 2021

Survey: Europeans positive on 5G

Europeans are positive about 5G, they believe it will improve their user experience and intend to deploy it to empower their own business, according to a new pan-European 5G sentiment survey from telecoms association ETNO. However, there is evidence that disinformation is having some traction and that citizens are eager to see more, and better, […]

October 2, 2020