TV ads still outrank Web
January 8, 2009
A survey of 2,023 people for Deloitte's Media Democracy report suggests TV advertising is twice as effective as online ads. Some 84 percent of consumers said TV ads would influence them to buy a product – against just 45 percent for online. So, despite advertisers getting more guarantees, monitoring and lower CPMs users still apparently find it easier to ignore web ads.
Some 64 percent of respondents said any kind of internet ads are more intrusive than newspaper ads and 26 percent said they're prepared to pay for web content just to avoid online ads. Half said they would click on web ads if they were targeted or offered free content. Against the assumption that web ads are more effective than newspaper ads – as testified by the migration of ad spend from print to web – respondents rated newspapers just as likely as online to influence their consumer habits, with 45 percent saying it influences purchases, but magazine ads more effective, on 54 percent.