TV advertising still most effective
August 19, 2009
Television advertising still has the greatest impact on consumers according to a survey published by Deloitte/YouGov on behalf of the Edinburgh International Television Festival.
Of the 2,123 UK viewers polled, 64 per cent of respondents ranked television commercials as the advertising format with the most impact. Television advertising had the most impact on young viewers, with three quarters of 18-24 year olds ranking television advertising top.
Despite high expectations for online advertising, only 12 per cent of consumers chose search advertising as one of the top three types of advertising with the most impact and only 8 per cent ranked banner advertising in their top three.
Howard Davies, Media Partner said: “Online advertising's poor showing relative to television may surprise given that the former has often been portrayed as television's nemesis. However, what television does best – display and brand building is what online struggles with. Online advertising is best at search, which previously newspapers had excelled at, particularly for classified.”