Mobile and IPTV services fuel Brazil’s market
January 18, 2012
Brazil is undergoing a cultural and economic transformation that will see mobile penetration grow from 118 per cent in 2011 to 153 per cent in 2016 and IPTV services to increase from 21,000 subscriptions in 2011 to 1.5 million in 2016, according to Pyramid Research.
“Brazil has been experiencing a significant enrichment of the middle and lower classes, and more and more services are being customised to address that demand,” says Vinicius Caetano, Senior Analyst at Pyramid Research. In the past year, the mobile and pay-TV offers that succeeded the most were those that had a segmentation logic built into their strategies, addressing a portion of the population that before couldn’t afford these services. “The reality of Brazil has changed, and operators need to segment their strategies and adapt to the new characteristics of the demand. With increasing user sophistication, there is no more room for one-size-fits-all strategies,” he adds.