January 20, 2012
LOVEFiLM has announced its latest deal to bring its streaming technology to LG’s Smart TV series.
Designed to work in partnership with LOVEFiLM ‘s recently-launched Instant service – a streaming-only version of its traditional discs-by-post film rental offering, – the deal marks the first time LG Smart TV users have been offered a film and TV subscription service through their sets.
Users will be able to access the full slate of streamable films through the app, while those on subscriptions that include discs through the post will be able to manage their rental list. In addition, the app will offer the ability for users to rate films, read reviews and search by title, genre or cast.
The service available at the introductory price of £4.99 (€6) a month as the company fends off Netflix’s similar £5.99 a month streaming deal.