Vimond Content Aggregator
September 9, 2013
Vimond Media Solutions has announced the release of Content Aggregator, a new product that uses components of Vimond’s online TV platform, the Vimond Platform, to enable multiple publishers on the same service. With the solution, operators and service providers can grant access to the Vimond Platform so that approved partners and content holders can upload, curate, distribute, and monetise their own content in a self-service environment. In turn, operators and service providers can offer their end-users more crossdevice experiences and a broader array of content with less effort while maintaining control over the service, customer relationships, and revenue streams.
“The Vimond Platform has supported content aggregation from content partners for years. With the ever-increasing level of connectivity and cooperation, and the desire to deliver highly dynamic services, we believe the market is ready for a truly unique set of features enabling flexibility, ease of scale, and easy-to-use multi-sourced and multi-curated services to reach the audience. Our new set of features makes it easier for operators to stay ahead of the demand for rich, high-quality multi-screen content,” said Helge Høibraaten, CEO of Vimond Media Solutions. “Operators have control over the branding, content types, and revenue streams for the service while maintaining the ability to allow content partners freedom to decide what content to publish and monetise, and how and when to do so.”