Netflix: October launch for Spain
June 4, 2015
From David Del Valle in Madrid
Competition in the Spanish pay-TV market is set to intensify with the launch of Netflix in October. In an interview with Spanish daily El Mundo, company founder and president Reed Hastings has confirmed that the streaming service will be available then with a “broad selection of TV series and movies in HD or even HD 4K on nearly any Internet-connected screen”.
With a similar fee to that of €8 a month in other European countries, Netflix will offer a catalogue of TV series and movies more limited than in the UK or the States, with original soundtrack and also with localised content with subtitles and dubbing.
“I think Spain will become one of our most successful markets”, said Hastings , referring to the high connection rate, familiarity with electronic commerce and “the interest already shown in Netflix”.
Netflix had been delaying the launch in Spain since 2011 as a result of concerns about the country’s high levels of piracy. Until January, Spain had not been considered a priority, but now the company has included it in its strategy of reaching 200 countries during the next two years.