MaxPlay launches beta development platform
July 21, 2016
MaxPlay, an interactive content development software company, is now accepting closed beta sign-up applications for its Game Development Suite (GDS). MaxPlay’s GDS is a cloud-enabled real-time collaborative game and VR development platform.
“We are hyper-focused on delivering the game development solution that satisfies the needs of innovative developers,” said MaxPlay CEO Sinjin Bain. “We are looking for creative pioneers to help us change the way interactive content is made.”
MaxPlay’s GDS is a game development SaaS solution that improves workflows and software performance through major advancements in cloud and multi-core computing. For the first time, developers located anywhere can use the cloud to build projects together in real-time. MaxPlay’s MaxCore a scalable, data parallel computing architecture combined with an advanced Forward+ rendering system, gets the most out of today’s multi-core devices and hardware, unlike any other commercial solution. With MaxCore, developers achieve radically higher frame rates and unprecedented content scaling, enabling the creation of more immersive experiences. Watch MaxCore Video.