Médiamétrie launches Social TV Ratings in France
November 20, 2017
Médiamétrie has launched a new service in France that measures the impact of a programme on web users by analysing the nature and volume of interactions on Facebook and Twitter.
Social TV Ratings offers a wide range of indicators – impressions, unique authors, sentiment, and affinity – which can be used to quantitatively and qualitatively analyse programmes on social networks.
Julien Rosanvallon, Médiamétrie’s Head of Médiamétrie’s Digital and TV Department commented: “Almost 60 per cent of those aged 15 years and over have joined a social network, and 4.2 million of them have commented on a TV programme on social networks in the last month, a figure that is constantly rising. Social TV Ratings allows channels to analyse the engagement and reactions of their audience. To understand the reactions of your audience is to understand what they expect.”