Survey: Gen Z streaming less entertainment, more education
September 15, 2020
VOXI, owned by Vodafone, has published research that shows 16-24 year olds’ appetite for streaming online content isn’t always just for entertainment. The research shows an insatiable thirst for knowledge and self-improvement, with 70 per cent of 16-24 year olds looking to learn something from video content, in comparison to just 1 in 5 streaming solely for entertainment.
The research, which shows that 83 per cent of 16-24 year olds stream content on their phones, was conducted after lockdown and shows this generation not only using their screen time to stay entertained and connected, but also to make a positive change to their future. A third of people surveyed said they had made money from a new skill they’d learnt from online video content they’d watched during lockdown, a quarter started a new career and over half (56 per cent) have positively changed their actions.
Two thirds (66 per cent) say
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