Advanced Television

Garmendia named president of Mediaset Spain

May 22, 2024

From David Del Valle in Madrid

Spanish TV group Mediaset, operator of Tele 5 and Cuatro among other TV channels, has appointed Cristina Garmendia as the new president of the company, replacing Borja Prado.

Former minister of Science and Innovation (2008-2011), Garmendia, aged 62, is PhD in Molecular Biology, entrepreneur and president of the COTEC Foundation, a private non-profit organisation whose mission is to promote innovation as an engine of economic and social development, and is part of various advisory boards such as Unicef ​​and the Spanish Association against Cancer (AECC), among others, and from various university councils. She is also an independent director on the boards of directors of Caixabank and Grupo Logista, where she holds the position of vice president; proprietary director at Ysios Capital Partners; and member of the Space Advisory Council of the European Commission.

Garmendia takes the new post following the exit of Prado at the end of 2023 who was at the helm for two years and had several disagreements with the management team.

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