Advanced Television

earth day

Mondo TV Iberoamerica unveil MeteoHeroes video game

The first-ever MeteoHeroes video game is on its way. The popular environmentally themed animated kids’ show MeteoHeroes, co-produced by Mondo TV and the leading Italian weather forecasting centre, Meteo Operations Italia (MOPI), has inspired a launch on multiple platforms planned for 2022. The game has been developed in association with some of the biggest and […]

June 24, 2021

Virgin Media curates content to mark Earth Day

Virgin Media is marking Earth Day (April 22nd) by curating a special collection of educational and informative programmes about climate change. The collection, which is now available via on-demand, includes documentaries which highlight the impact of the climate crisis, showcases nature and wildlife, and how people can reduce their impact on the planet. The programming […]

April 20, 2021