Advanced Television


Newyonder launches sustainable OTT with Red Bee

Newyonder, a streaming service and film production company aiming to make the world a more sustainable place, is delivering all content to date with Red Bee Media’s Managed OTT services. As a certified B Corp, Newyonder intends to measure its entire social and environmental impact, including the energy consumption and carbon footprint of creating and […]

March 15, 2022

BT, Hubbub ‘Smarter Living Challenge’

Following the UK Government’s announcement and ambition to make households greener, warmer and more energy efficient as part of the new 10 Point Plan to tackle climate change, environmental charity and social enterprise Hubbub and BT Group have revealed plans to create the ‘Smarter Living Challenge’ aimed at helping households to reduce their carbon emissions […]

November 26, 2020