Portugal reaches 4.4m pay-TV subs
June 9, 2022
From Branislav Pekic in Rome

The number of pay-TV subscribers in Portugal reached 4.4 million in Q1 2022, a three per cent growth on the same period last year.
According to the National Communications Authority (Anacom), this was the lowest growth rate since the end of 2014 or when data started being collected.
The pay-TV penetration rate grew by 0.4 per cent on a quarterly basis to 94 per cent, the lowest figure since this figure started being measured in 2018.
FTTH accesses grew by 12.4 per cent and now account for 58 per cent of total subscribers, followed by cable TV (29.1 per cent); satellite TV/DTH (8.9 per cent); and ADSL (4.1 per cent). Meo (Altice Portugal) was the market leader with a 40.7 per cent share of subscribers (+0.4 per cent), followed by NOS with 37.6 per cent (-0.9 per cent); Vodafone with 18.5 per cent (+0.9 per cent); and Nowo with 3.2 per cent (-0.3 per cent).