Advanced Television

Strike action at Vodafone Spain

June 21, 2024

From David Del Valle in Madrid

Staff at Vodafone Spain have been called on a general strike on July 9th and 11th, with additional partial stoppages planned on several days next month, in an attempt to stop Zegona’s redundancy plan affecting some 1,200 people.

Zegona, which acquired Vodafone Spain in June, is negotiating with trade unions to reach an agreement with the group, pleading the case that the cuts are a necessary measure to refloat the company.

The new CEO of Vodafone, José Miguel García, said that “we need transformation [in order to get] stability in our customers’ portfolio [as] we continue losing customers”.

The telco has lost around 8 per cent of its revenues and 400,000 customers in the last two years.

Categories: Articles, Business, Telco

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