Advanced Television

Spain: FTTH nears 15 million lines

March 15, 2024

From David Del Valle in Madrid

FTTH connections continues to grow in Spain with 101,869 lines added in January 2024, reaching a new total of over 14.9 million, according to the latest stats from CNMC. Year-on-year, FTTH lines increased by 1.1 million versus 400,000 DSL losses. Telefónica controls 35.9 per cent of the Spanish FTTH market. Overall, broadband is dominated by the four largest operators: Telefónica with 33.79 per cent, Orange with 22.65 per cent, MásMóvil with 18.92 per cent, Vodafone with 16.44 per cent and others with 8.21 per cent. Meanwhile, the new telco operator, the VMO Silbo Telecom, has reached a €300 million agreement with Telefónica to have access to its network for the next four years.

Categories: Articles, Broadband, FTTH, Research

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