US TV viewing moving online
September 11, 2009
Nearly one out of four US households watches TV online, up from 20 per cent last year, reports The Conference Board and TNS. And is fast becoming the hot site – just behind – for watching TV programmes. The number of households visiting has increased almost fourfold in the last year.
The Consumer Internet Barometer, a quarterly report produced by The Conference Board, the global business membership and research association, and TNS, a global market insight and information group, surveys 10,000 households across the country and tracks who’s doing what on the Internet.
Nearly 80 per cent of consumers log on daily for entertainment. In fact, entertainment is cited as one of the most important Internet activities, behind only personal communication and work-related activities.
Consumers are moving away from “appointment” TV, preferring to watch programmes whenever they choose. Being able to view favorite shows at any time, along with personal convenience, are the two major reasons cited by more than half of consumers for turning to online TV. Consumers also cite portability as another benefit.
News shows are the most popular online programmes – watched by about 43 per cent of online TV viewers. About 35 per cent enjoy sitcoms, comedies and dramas, while 19 per cent of online TV viewers indulge in reality shows and 18 per cent follow sports. Other forms of online content include previews, user-generated content, additional content from favourite shows, soap operas and advertisements.