Report: Most EU VoD content is not local
April 7, 2022

Given the rise of subscription and transactional VoD services in Europe, the European Audiovisual Observatory, part of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg has updated its report on Film and TV content in VoD catalogues.
In all, there are 7 times more single film titles on TVoD than single TV seasons (62,717 unique film titles versus 8,766 unique TV seasons) and 4.75 times more single film titles than TV seasons on SVoD (58,805 unique film titles versus 12,358 unique TV seasons).
European content accounts for 32 per cent of all content available on TVoD and 35 per cent of all content of SVoD (counting films and TV seasons) but in absolute numbers more European content is available on TVoD.
TVoD (40 per cent national content) has a higher share of national film and TV content than SVoD services (24 per cent of national content) but the majority of EU content on VoD is non-national.
The report was authored by Christian Grece and Marta Jiménez Pumares, TV and VOD Analysts within the Observatory’s Department for Market Information. The film catalogue data comes from JustWatch, Filmtoro, Chili, La Pantalla Digital and EUROVOD; the TV content data was supplied by JustWatch. The report was supported by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Commission.
A second report, The visibility of audiovisual works on TVOD – 2021 Edition, authored by Gilles Fontaine, addresses the visibility of European works on Transactional VOD services’ home pages.
The analysis of the home page of a sample of 54 TVoD services in 9 European countries shows that European works account for 32 per cent of the promotion spots, including 18 per cent for EU27 works. In all countries tracked with the exception of the UK and France, the majority of European works promotion spots goes to non-national titles. However, the promotion of European films is highly concentrated: the top 10 most promoted European films account for 69 per cent of all promotion spots dedicated to European films.