ProSiebenSat.1 strengthens focus on Entertainment
March 28, 2023

German commercial broadcaster ProSiebenSat.1 has revealed what it describes as a sharpened strategic focus, with which the Group addresses the challenges of the market environment and the changing media landscape, while at the same time leveraging the Group’s growth potential.
“We at ProSiebenSat.1 have everything it takes to reach millions of people day by day,” stated Bert Habets, Group CEO of ProSiebenSat.1 Media. “Now we want to translate this even better into growth and become even more attractive, especially digitally. To do this, we are consistently putting our viewers and users first so that they spend as much time as possible with us and our offerings. Finally, we will monetise this maximised viewing time profitably with smart advertising technologies. In the future, also our investment focus will be on our Entertainment business. I am convinced that we will thus strengthen our leading position in the German-speaking entertainment market and achieve our medium-term revenue growth target of four to five per cent on average per year.”
ProSiebenSat.1 says it is clearly putting Entertainment in the focus and expands the digital business: The streaming platform Joyn will be the centre of the digital entertainment presence and is becoming the entertainment and lifestyle brand for the whole family in the German-speaking region. To this end, ProSiebenSat.1 is also strengthening Joyn’s aggregator approach. At the same time, initiatives such as its own newsroom, more local programming content, and closer cooperation with creators from its network contribute to increase ProSiebenSat.1’s reach platform-independently. The Group will be able to monetise in particular the increasing digital reach ever better through smart Advanced TV advertising products and thus increase the digital share of its advertising revenues. In addition, cooperation within the industry is an important part of the strategy. Growth ambitions in the Entertainment segment also include that the Group regularly reviews opportunities for acquisitions.
The Commerce & Ventures segment has a strategic proximity to the Entertainment business. For more than ten years, ProSiebenSat.1 has been investing in attractive young companies via media synergies, thus increasing their brand awareness. ProSiebenSat.1 will continue this successful path in the future, increasingly relying on the media-for-equity/-revenue model. In this way, the Group’s own inventory is additionally monetised in a proven way. ProSiebenSat.1 is furthermore concentrating on developing the Group’s majority investments operationally and continues to implement the ‘best owner’ strategy in the medium-term. This means that ProSiebenSat.1 verifies which companies the Group can take to the next level of development with its expertise and reach.
After ProSiebenSat.1 built up ParshipMeet Group into one of the globally leading online dating providers, starting in 2012 with a media-for-revenue investment, the Group is now focusing on strengthening the operational performance of the Dating & Video business. Against this backdrop, ParshipMeet Group is working on re-organizing and more strongly integrating its activities so that its brands complement each other even better with regard to products, target groups and user intentions. The goal here remains to maximise value for all stakeholders of ParshipMeet Group in the medium- to long-term and to realise it at the appropriate time.
With this strategic direction, ProSiebenSat.1 says it wants to strengthen sustainably its market position as the leading entertainment & commerce company in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.