Ofcom: BT, Virgin draw most pay-TV complaints in Q2
October 19, 2023

Media regulator Ofcom has published its latest complaints figures for broadband, landline, mobile and paid-TV services, covering the period from April to June 2023.
Vodafone is the most complained about broadband provider, with 24 complaints per 100,000 customers, mainly driven by experience with faults, service and getting services connected. This is an increase compared with last quarter, where it ranked #2 on the list with 17 complaints per 100,000 customers. Sky continued to generate the fewest complaints for broadband. BT Mobile is the most complained-about mobile operator, with customers primarily complaining about how their complaints were handled and issues changing provider. Sky Mobile, EE and Tesco Mobile received the fewest complaints. BT and Virgin Media attracted the most complaints among pay-TV providers. BT’s complaints were mainly driven by customers’ experience with faults, service and getting services connected, while Virgin’s complaints were driven mainly by how customers’ complaints were handled. Sky received the fewest pay-TV complaints.Fergal Farragher, Ofcom’s Consumer Protection Director, commented: “It is positive to see that overall, complaints volumes have remained consistent compared to the previous quarter. However, complaints are still slightly higher than they were in 2022, and this shows that providers still have work to do in improving customers’ experiences. We work alongside providers to help make sure they improve their performance and acknowledge Vodafone is taking steps to identify and address the increased volume of complaints during this period.”
Alex Tofts, broadband expert at Broadband Genie, commenting on the data, said: “While the number of broadband complaints has remained stable, the latest figures show there is now a new frontrunner when it comes to generating customer anger. Vodafone has now claimed the undesirable top spot, with 50 per cent more of its internet customers moved to complain to Ofcom than any other provider, relative to its size.
“The minimum people expect from their broadband is for it to work, so it’s disappointing that the bulk of Vodafone complaints were down to basic issues, such as faulty connections. As one of the UK’s biggest providers – and one that raised most household broadband bills by 14 per cent in April – it’s understandable that customers have been more willing to make their feelings known. On a more positive note, it’s good to see that Ofcom has stepped in and engaged with Vodafone to help them get their house in order. ”
“The first half of this year was marked by a number of high-profile outages from suppliers including Virgin Media, which left thousands of their customers without internet. We can only hope these big players will be pulling their socks up to improve their services, especially with more mid-contract price rises looming. If you experience prolonged or multiple broadband outages, remember it’s important to tell your provider, which then puts them on the clock to respond. If your service has still not been fixed after two working days you should start to receive automatic compensation of £9.33 a day under Ofcom rules,” Tofts concluded.