Advanced Television

Targetting improves ad viewability

December 18, 2014

Videology, the video advertising technology platform, has released research findings on viewable video impressions that illustrate the complexities still surrounding viewability, and issued caution in using viewability ratings as the primary gauge of campaign performance.  The findings also suggest that technology can help advertisers improve the percentage of ads viewed by consumers through proper targeting and improved ad relevancy.

According to IAB minimum standards, for an in-stream video ad, 50 per cent of its area must be displayed for at least two seconds to count as ‘viewable’. While poor viewability is often equated with low quality inventory, Videology’s research revealed two key findings that suggest consumer behaviour, more specifically the action of clicking away from an ad before the designated continuous two seconds, also contributes to low viewability scores.  The findings show:

  • Advanced ad targeting, and subsequently ad relevancy, improved viewability rankings significantly compared to those targeted by demographics only. In a case study of a major auto advertiser, using the same inventory sources, ads targeted by demo showed a 31 per cent viewability rating versus a 71 per cent rating for those using behavioural targeting.  This suggests that by using advanced targeting technology, advertisers have the power to significantly improve the viewability of a video campaign.
  • In addition, certain key ad categories perform significantly better than others in terms of viewability ranking across the same premium inventory sources. Categories scoring the highest, including airline and political ads, had an average viewability rating of 86 per cent and 74 per cent respectively, triple those of the lowest ranking categories. Since there was no difference in the premium sites where the inventory ran, this implies greater, inherent consumer interest in certain categories, and/or more engaging creative.

“Viewability continues to be a hot button issue for the industry. It’s important, however, to understand it in its full complexity and not to look at the issues surrounding viewability with too narrow of a lens,” said Quinn Sanders, Director, Product Management, Videology. “A full-range of quality controls are necessary to ensure the best opportunity for consumers to see an advertisement, but technology can also arm advertisers and publishers alike with the tools necessary to help guide creative and other factors that influence viewability. The opportunity for viewers to see an ad is critical, but the ability to influence how long they engage with the ad is also important and achievable.”



Categories: Advertising, Articles, Consumer Behaviour, Research, Targetted