Advanced Television

Research: Olympics enthusiasts more likely to be female

June 29, 2021

Insights uncovered by global adtech company Amobee reveal which content consumers are engaging with the most leading up to the Olympic Games in Tokyo.

The reports shows that Olympics Enthusiasts are more likely to be female, have a higher household income than General Sports Fans and skew towards the 45+ age group, making Olympic Enthusiasts a well-fitted target audience for luxury, beauty and fashion, and family advertisers as well as financial, insurance, and health and pharma advertisers.

Additional findings include:

  • Audiences engaged with Olympic content are most interested in female athletes. For example, Serena Williams accounts for 24 per cent of Olympics content engagement.
  • Olympics-related news associated with basketball, tennis, and gymnastics has received the highest levels of engagement out of all Summer Olympic events over the past month.
  • While Sports is the top skewing genre among audiences who have recently tuned into the Olympic Channel, interest in action, thriller, and drama TV content also sets Olympic Channel Viewers apart. The highest viewed networks include movie, game show and lifestyle, highlighting that those passionate about the Olympics have multifaceted affinities.

Categories: Articles, Consumer Behaviour, Content, Research

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