Advanced Television

CoolerX adds 12,000 micro-audience segments

June 4, 2024

CoolerX, the technology company powering the in-store retail media and merchandising revolution, announced the expansion of its sophisticated contextual targeting capabilities with the addition of 12,000 new micro-audience segments. This rollout offers brands access to AI-enhanced in-store audience insights and targeting capabilities to dynamically and contextually engage consumers in their final moments of decision-making.

CoolerX’s One Store One Platform solution facilitates connections with 120 million shoppers monthly, offering brands unprecedented reach and the ability to engage with audiences in a more nuanced manner. At the heart of the CoolerX platform is an AI-intent engine, enabling the creation of unique audience micro-segments derived from data inputs including customer behaviour, contextual signals and point of sale data. This empowers advertisers to reach their target audiences with unprecedented accuracy, ensuring that messaging is contextually relevant to highly specific shopper segments within the store environment.

Unlike conventional audience segmentation methods, CoolerX’s platform delves beyond simple category-level segmentation, reaching down to the brand-level to build on brand development indexes (BDIs) and traditional demographics like age, income, and ethnicity to create nuanced customer segments. This granular insight allows brands to target their campaigns and messaging to specific subsets of consumer segments, driving heightened engagement and conversions.

Examples of micro-audience segments include:

  • Generational segments like Millennials, Gen X, etc.
  • Demographic segments such as income level, DMA, etc.
  • Psychographic segments based on values, interests and activities
  • Consumer Product Consumption segments based on products purchased in store

“Our platform’s strength lies in its ability to discern consumer intent at a granular level, translating inputs including browsing behaviours and sales data into actionable audience insights,” said Artem Lavrinovich, Chief Data & Product Officer, CoolerX. “For instance, identifying consumers with a high propensity for certain categories, such as energy drinks, enables us to target them with unparalleled specificity. This approach not only supports omnichannel campaigns but also introduces a new level of targeting precision, particularly for brands looking to connect with consumers demonstrating a clear intent for specific products or categories.”

CoolerX’s expansion of its contextual targeting capabilities sets a new standard in the industry. Brands can now target audiences and apply AI-driven insights as guardrails to optimize campaign performance against specific consumer interests, intent, and relevant shopping journey context with an unprecedented level of precision – a first for in-store shopping. With its innovative approach, CoolerX is poised to reshape the in-store retail media landscape, bringing targeting capabilities previously only available in e-commerce to the physical store.

“CoolerX’s micro-audience segments enable more advanced in-store targeting, enhancing the appeal of in-store retail media,” said Mark Bennett, Executive Vice President of Mod Op, a leading digital marketing agency. “We look forward to testing their solution and are excited about its potential.”

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