Advanced Television

NBCUniversal accelerates first-party audience capabilities

June 14, 2024

Ahead of the 2024 Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, NBCUniversal has unveiled new accelerated first-party audience capabilities that it says will supercharge live event programming for marketers and drive advertising effectiveness during tentpole live content moments. Specifically, NBCUniversal is accelerating its first-party audience data following live events in two ways to deepen advertiser understanding and maximize advertising effectiveness across every stage of the funnel:

    • Quick-turn, rich insights into interest and intent signals across categories to provide marketers with a deep understanding of who is tuning in. For example, within days, advertisers can receive aggregated audience insights such as the type of car the audience is in the market for and how recently they visited a dealership.
    • Strategic, live audience segments that enable marketers to re-engage with consumers throughout their NBCUniversal viewing journey. For example, wellness brands can quickly reach healthy living enthusiasts who tuned into the latest red-carpet moment or sporting event.

NBCUniversal programs live event content every day of the year spanning sports, entertainment, and news, in English and in Spanish across screens, devices, and platforms. The live event environment is highly effective for marketers across every stage of the funnel, driving awareness with +28 per cent ad memorability; consideration with +23 per cent purchase intent and +112 per cent search engagement; and conversation with +19 per cent brand recommendation.

Additionally, NBCUniversal says it remains committed to providing advertising clients who lean into live event programming with scaled, cross-platform measurement capabilities. The majority of the company’s measurement portfolio support cross-platform, live event content activations.

“Live event content brings people together and sparks real-time emotional connections and conversations. And for marketers, the power of live to build relationships between brands and fans is unmatched,” said Alison Levin, President of NBCUniversal Advertising & Partnerships. “These new accelerated audience capabilities make media more accountable – enabling brands to have a more nuanced view of their audiences and quickly understand campaign performance.”

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